Arkansas-Little Rock Cheerleader

The squad as a whole isn't much to talk about, but the blonde is pretty darn hot.

University of Western Ontario Cheerleaders

Our first trip north of the border, and I gotta say, a mighty fine showing from our neighbors to the north.

University of Pittsburgh Cheerleader

IMG_2587, originally uploaded by fotoguy58.

Open your eyes sweetheart, you're on College Cheer Heaven!

Georgia Southern Cheerleaders

I'm starting to like these small colleges!

Clemson Cheerleader Gets High!

IMG_0696, originally uploaded by stuckintrffc.

Looks like she's about 50 feet in the air. Nice.

Naval Academy Cheerleaders

IMG_2614, originally uploaded by fotoguy58.

Wait, the Navy has cheerleaders?

Sorority Cheerleaders

So they may not be my typical post, but they are college girls dressed up like cheerleaders and that's good enough for me.

UCLA Cheerleaders

I'll never get tired of these girls.

North Carolina Cheerleader

IMG_6354, originally uploaded by camnlo4130.

Wish we could see more of her. But this profile is pretty darn hot.

Drexel Cheerleader

DSC_0356, originally uploaded by medsources2001.

Really? Drexel? Whatever you say.

UCLA Cheerleader

UCLA Dance Team, originally uploaded by JMRosenfeld.

She looks . . . smart!

Florida Cheerleader

gator cheerleader, originally uploaded by jast_caliente.

Today's posts are all about flexbility apparently.

Maryland Cheerleader

Sexy Cheerleader Scorpion, originally uploaded by joeschmo0194.

Apparently this stunt is called the Scorpion. I call it wifey material.

Temple Cheerleader

Dancer High Kick, originally uploaded by joeschmo0194.

Get that leg up there sweetie.

Utah Cheerleader

UTAH Cheerleader, originally uploaded by bamafan413.

I'm just guessing she's hot. Still a pretty cool picture.

Hawaii Cheerleader

UH Cheerleaders, originally uploaded by marcorbito.

Cute smile. Great abs.

Ole Miss Cheerleader

An up-and-coming football program + really hot cheerleaders = I'm now an Ole Miss fan!

Florida State Cheerleader

I swear, every single one of their cheerleaders is absolutely smokin' hot!

Michigan State Cheerleaders

I don't even know what to say about this picture!

BYU Cheerleader

BYU Cheerleaders, originally uploaded by coachsingleton.

Very interesting view on this one.

Miami of Ohio Cheerleader

These pics aren't the biggest in the world, but she is super hot. Especially love her dressed up as the chick from Alladin.